Horses saddle innovation, is that possible?

Graziozo, een nieuwe speler in deze branche laat dat zien met een Horse Product van het jaar 2018 Award! Professionals op gebied van dressuur hebben hun krachten gebundeld en samen […]

Project Go4Dry schoenendroger

Go4Dry Schoenendroger

The Go4Dry shoe dryer is a new product developed by Rokatec. This shoe dryer is specially designed to clean and dry shoes . The cleaning is done with […]

De Go4Dry schoenerdroger in rood grijs

Go4Dry: an innovative shoe dryer with allure

The Netherlands is well known for its windmills, tulips, their expertise in fighting and living with water, but also for its many rain showers . Outdoor sportsman are regularly faced with wet shoes, […]

Project Entermed Futurent 3


This treatment unit is the basic unit of an E.N.T. doctor to examine patients. The most important requirements were: Hygiene and a compact design! Every detail had influence […]

Interview met Entermed over de Futurent 3

High-end E.N.T. treatment units

What makes a treatment unit of an E.N.T. doctor is good or not good? What are just those differences that makes it better? Jan Steven, CEO from the company Entermed, is no […]

Project Ton Kooiman duimsteun

TON KOOIMAN Thumb rest

Thumb rests are developed in close cooperation with the customer to make the use of various musical instruments ergonomically comfortable. De ergonomie is bij deze producten van groot belang […]